What is tgpt?

tgpt is a terminal based program that generates descriptive usage of specific commands.

Why would you need tgpt?

tgpt is useful for giving you fast and accurate responses in less than half the time it would take you to search and read through the manuals.

You can ask our interactive manual an unlimited amount of questions, providing you with answers that gets you saying ... YAAS!


$ git clone https://github.com/YAAS-Dons-Hack/tgpt.git
$ cd tgpt
$ make install


To use this program, you need an OpenAI API key. To add the key as an environment variable, run the following in the shell:

$ echo "export OPENAI_API_KEY='yourkey'" >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
$ exec bash

Then, you can execute by running:
$ tgpt [command] [options]


-f: force to run the command without checking
-l: set output size to 500 words (default: 150)
-s [size]: manually set output size



$ git clone https://github.com/YAAS-Dons-Hack/tgpt.git
$ cd tgpt
$ npm install

Make rules


$ make


$ make run ARG=foobar

Clean up

$ make clean